Tag: Writing

Senses Recount

Today on a hot summer day me and my dad went kayaking in the sea. When we got in the kayak my dad started patiling to high waves. Then I thought that my dad was going to drown us in the high waves but he drift and turned around while the waves were chasing us but we got soaked. When we got on land we were wet but had so much fun and we were thinking about kayaking again. After we put the kayak on the top of our car my dad said”do you want ice cream son”? And I said yes so we dived to the nearest ice cream stand. When we lined up to get some ice cream I could hear the seagulls squawking on top of the ice cream stand. While we were waiting in line I could smell the ice cream coming from the stand. After we got our ice we ate our ice cream we hopped in the car and dived back to the beach to kayak again. Once me and my dad got to the beach we got changed into our swimming cloths and brought out the kayak an carid it to the beach. Once we placed down the kayak my dad started patiling. When we went past lots of little waves but I saw a big wave getting close  so I told my dad that there was a wave so my dad patilied faster to get close. Once we got close to it my dad drifted and we went fast on it but we were close to the shore but it was good progress. When we went to put the kayak on top of our car I said to my dad” I want to do this next week for exercise” and my dad said” yes we can”so we dived home with happiness.

the science boy



Once there was a boy that lived with his mum and dad and his little brother. He liked science he was very good at making envisions he wanted a lab that connected from an underground lab to a water lab. When he got older he bought his lab that he wanted for his whole life and he said” I can’t wait to make new envision that he wanted to make when I was a little kid” saying it loud. Every weekend and holidays he went to his science lab and mabe new things. He invented a robot, a animal device that can make animals talk and a glove that can make things come to life he made tons of other things too but he wanted to make a land shark that does not eat people. He looked around the lab for the right items to use them for his combining machine so he can get a great white shark from his water lab and go outside to get a land animal. Once he was nearly done with his machine but when he put the last piece on the machine it exploded and he was very sad he went back home to have diner with his mum and dad his mum told him” its ok you can figure it out”. The next morning he went and made his machine and it did not explode he was happy so he went and got a shark and a komodo dragon and made his land shark. He thought it to not eat people and animals and he lived happily ever after.