Tag: Writing

inside out fun day writing

This is when we watched a movie in the hall. This movie is called inside out and I have watched the movie before but it had been a long time so I did not remember a lot of things that they did in the movie But I still liked it.This next one was where I was sitting and also we were wearing our cloths inside out so I was a little bit cold. I still got to have some blankets from Elevina next to me and I started to get warmer.I like sitting on the chairs because it was warm and soft and also got people to share a blanket with me.This is when I was doing some art with my friends. it was fun painting together and I really liked it. I liked all the things I did:

In My Heart Writing

Task Description: The day before We did our writing. This was hard to do because we had to write three sentences and then when we were do all of it we had to draw a photopea picture of all of the feelings that we wrote about and it was hard but it didn’t stay hard for long and I finally finished it. I hope you like my writing?

the boy with big feeling summery

             Typing: Once there was a boy with bushy hair and bursting feelings. Every day he went to training he felt like he was going to reel. When playing outside on the yellowest day when a truck came past his feelings started to come out of his eyes. At night when the shadow fell down on his pillow the walls started to look like a shadow with spikes. Sometimes when my play comes to an end I start to become full of anger and start to destroy my things. He felt happy feelings as big as me and started to feel like the best person in the world. Beautiful things would not leave my head and stay there for hours and hours. When someone has had a bad day I feel worried and his mum too. He wondered “ when I go to school I won’t show my feelings to anyone. When I go to school I won’t show them because I think someone will make fun of my big feelings. When I went to class I was scared of showing them so I did not talk. At play time I was swinging when I saw a girl with the same big feelings. After morning tea he played with her and he found out it wasn’t just him with big feelings it was everyone he did not know that but now he does. The end.    

              Task Description: Today we did a writing summery about our feelings. this was hard to do but easy to and I liked it the most. this was the shortest writing I have done but I wrote every thing about this book. I hope you like mu writing?

Colour writing

Task Description: Today we did a writing activity and when I started I felt like it was going to be hard but it was pretty easy when I stared getting closer to the end. I liked this activity and I still wanted to write bur it was finished. I hope you like My writing?

Sports recount

Yesterday we went to do Gymnastic. First we lined up at the door, then we walked through the hallway to get to the hall. Once we got to the hall we went inside, I was so excited to do Gymnastics because when I was a year one I did it and it was fun. When we were inside the hall the Gymnastic teacher asked us” can you sit down on the middle line?” so we did what she said and listened to the next thing she would say and seconds later she told us her name then we started to play a little game and in this game she was going to tell us to skip high or jump so when she says it we have to move while doing it and when she says a colour we have to go to it. First she told us the first thing we had to do and we had to be straight with our feet together and our hands straight like a tree root but when we did it we had to hop round the hall but thank goodness because the she said” if you are tired you can put your hand on your waste and it was easier to do but harder to hop. Once we were done with the game we did the Gymnastics activities and it was getting me excited and the first one I did was the one on the stage and It looked hard but it was easy. The next one we did was a little bit hard but we just had to stand on the floating stick thing and jump while doing a motorbike shape and it was pretty easy. The next one was pretty funny for me because first we had to do a handstand on the wall then go on this thing and roll backwards and it was really funny and hard. Our last one was easy to do because we had to jump on the trampoline then jump off and go on a motorbike shape the do hp skotch and jump of two more things. That was a lot of fun and I liked it.                  

My Brain

The day before we started a brain writing. this was a little bit hard to do but I finished it. in my brain there is parts in there but I won’t tell you because you have to find out after I blog it. I hope you like my brain writing?