Tag: Writing

Creative Writing

Task Description: hello again it’s me and this might look like the same one but no this is actually a different one, this is the first picture one the activity and this has a lot less than last time’s one, it has 223 words and it has a bit more detail than the first one but if you know this I actually read the first one and then did the second one but after reading the first one I wanted to not put mistakes in the second one so that is why there are different words in this one. I hope you like my writing bye… Wait if you want me to do chapter two just comment down bellow bye.

Creative Writing

Task Description: this week is week 7 and we had to do a writing activity. if you look at the first page of the activity you can see 4 pictures, the first picture is of a girl and a city that looks abandoned, the second one is of a red team and blue team playing rugby on a field,this one might blow you in the dust because it is about cars racing on the street and I thought it was fast an furious if you know the movie, but last but not least it is a girl that is stuck in the jungle and finds a big tree house. the one I chose was the last one that was because I already had exasperation of it because when I saw it, it caught my eye so I started writing about it. if you go on the last page it says to write 200 words but I kind of went on a over load,so I wrote 397 words, yeah I know that is a lot more than I thought. I got one more quote for you and that is if you want me to do charterer 2 just comment down bellow and I will start writing but for now thank you for reading my work bye.


Task Description: today we started to do an Onomatopoeai activity. we had to write what sound the animal or object made for example ( the bird went Chirp,Chirp,chirp) it was a race but I did not win my friend won but it was really fun. I hope you like it.

The Greatest Library

Task Description: yesterday we started this writing activity and we had to write about the kid in the photo reading books that he thought were coming to life. this writing activity was called THE GREATEST LIBRARY. you might have seen my other one that is called the circus queen so this is the second writing activity that I wrote. if you look at the first page of the activity you can see the start of the story and after you read it you can go to the third page and check what I had to continue of the story. thank you for reading my work bye.

Circus Queen

Task Description: yesterday we started this activity and we had to write about the circus queen. you might think it’s a person but if you look at the picture on the activity you will see an elephant and that elephant is the circus queen. you might think that I’m lying but it’s the circus queen if you want to see my story just click the arrow button ➡. thank you for checking out my writing bye.

about me brain storm

Task Description: this week I did a task and I had to write things about me. so if you know I love turtles and I might have said this two times and I own one but it is not friendly because it is a red eared turtle and if you didn’t know they bite people and it almost bit my dad. also I have more things that I wanted to write but I couldn’t fit it in the box so I am just going to tell you what else I like to do. the first one is I like to mow the lawns because when my mum took our family to our nanny’s house she let me mow the lawns and I liked it but I almost fell in the creek with the lawn mower. well thats is only one thing but I will tell you more on my next blog that is also about me. well I hope you liked my work bye bye.

poem postcard kick start

Task Description: Hello guys and this activity is called poem postcard and this activity was easy to do. all I had to do was go onto the app and fill in these two things that were there and the what ever sentence that was there I had to take a photo of it and put it on my blog and then do the same thing but with the image, then I had to pick who I want to give this poem to and I chose my dad because if you see the photo of the righting it is about singing and my dad loved singing and that is why I chose him. Thank you for reading my work bye.