Tag: Maths

Fraction Facts

Task Description: this week we started a maths activity and it is all about fraction.  when I looked at it I thought this will be hard but when I saw it I already knew my division, but that doesn’t mean I am smart but I was really good. thank you for looking bye.


Task Description: the day Before we had to do this maths activity but things got a little bit tricky when I got close to the end but it took me 2 days and now I finally finished and I think if you did this you would finish this quicker than me. I hope you like this and also stay cool bye.

Reading a Calendar

Task description: hi guys it’s me again well here is my second activity that I did and it was hard. this activity was hard but me and my friends helped each other with this. we liked doing this activity but it did take a long time because they were muking around. if you people did this I det you will do it fast. I hope you like my work?