Tag: Cybersmart

Public vs Private

Task Description: today we started to do this Cybersmart activity and we had to if you look at the activity you can see boxes with words in them. so for example my favourite food private or public? if you know it comment down below but if you look closely you can see other ones that are in the work activity. thank you for looking at my work bye.

Duffy book

Task Description: today I got MY Duffy books. these are my favourite books but Favourite, Favourite one is Ninja kid. all the books are cool but this one is way cooler. I have all most every book in my house and its starting to fill my room but this is the best! thank you for looking at my blog bye.

Tapa cloth

when it was Tonga Language week I didn’t get to show you this blog but now I have it and I really wanted you to see it and now I present to you the tapa cloth  pastern. this is a little bit boring but it does look good. THank You for looking at my blog bye.

Keep that Google Drive Tidy

Task Description: to day we are doing this cybersmart activity. this was called keep that Google drive tidy and it was a easy activity because we had to clean our drive but My drive was already done so I just had to take a photo.it was easy as and also not challenging too so I liked it. Thank you for looking at my blog bye.

Chromebook Bubbies

 yesterday we did this same cybersmart activity but with a year 3 buddy. this is me and my buddy working on this activity and he was a bit annoying but he was new so I had to help him and also he is still learning and I am still alright. me and him were at the end and when we tried to blog it we had to do it on his iPad and I was so excited to go and blog it on a iPad but I forgot how to do everything and also he couldn’t blog yet but the teachers allowed us to be done and I was still okay and most of all he wanted to play on my Chromebook but I didn’t let him. thank you for looking at this blog i’m doing bye.