Category: Hanga | Create

Anemone is not the Enemy: Kick Start

Task Description: hello it’s me Cruze. Today I just finished my rock pool activity. it was easy to do and I liked it. The sea creature that I would like to talk about is the cocca buly because if you look closely it looks like it is camouflage and also they can change into other colour too. Thank you for reading what I wrote bye.

Holiday 101 Summer

Task Description: hello again I just finished My step it up challenge and this one was a summer holiday and this one was easy because I already knew what I was going to choose and it was fiji. this was the best one to do and also my favourite one too. I hope you like my step it up challenge bye.

Winter Holiday 101

Task Description: hello guys it’s me Cruze and today I did this activity and it to what had to pack for my imaginary winter holiday. this was really cool because I got to show you guys what I really wanted to do on my winter holiday. if you look at the picture of the mountain that mountain is called mount ruapehu and it has a lot of hotels and other things, and also I know I could have writ’n it of the work sheet but I couldn’t fit it in it so that is why I wrote it here. I hope you liked my work bye see you on my step it up one.

poem postcard kick start

Task Description: Hello guys and this activity is called poem postcard and this activity was easy to do. all I had to do was go onto the app and fill in these two things that were there and the what ever sentence that was there I had to take a photo of it and put it on my blog and then do the same thing but with the image, then I had to pick who I want to give this poem to and I chose my dad because if you see the photo of the righting it is about singing and my dad loved singing and that is why I chose him. Thank you for reading my work bye.