Category: Hanga | Create

Rainy season

Task Description: This week we started a book that’s called Rainy Season and it is all about a girl a mum, and a nana. the nana lived in New Zealand with her grand daughter. it was the rainy season there and they the nana wanted to go to Samoa to swim but also she wanted to go because her husband had passed on so she really wanted to go. that was a little about the story that I wanted to talk about but if you look at my work you can see another slide and if you click it you will go to another slide and on that slide there is a video there. I hope you like my video and my work.

Public vs Private

Task Description: today we started to do this Cybersmart activity and we had to if you look at the activity you can see boxes with words in them. so for example my favourite food private or public? if you know it comment down below but if you look closely you can see other ones that are in the work activity. thank you for looking at my work bye.

The Greatest Library

Task Description: yesterday we started this writing activity and we had to write about the kid in the photo reading books that he thought were coming to life. this writing activity was called THE GREATEST LIBRARY. you might have seen my other one that is called the circus queen so this is the second writing activity that I wrote. if you look at the first page of the activity you can see the start of the story and after you read it you can go to the third page and check what I had to continue of the story. thank you for reading my work bye.

Circus Queen

Task Description: yesterday we started this activity and we had to write about the circus queen. you might think it’s a person but if you look at the picture on the activity you will see an elephant and that elephant is the circus queen. you might think that I’m lying but it’s the circus queen if you want to see my story just click the arrow button ➡. thank you for checking out my writing bye.


today we went to assembly and we got given another Korero and it is called Just do it. the prefects were at camp so we had year 7’s doing it and they had to do a play for the Korero and if you look at my work sheet you can see box’s and they are thing’s that the prefect did. there are gif’s there to because it is telling you to do it. thank you for looking at my blog bye.( if you want to see my background just go to the next page.


Task Description:this week was NZSL ( New Zealand sign Language) so this hole week we had to say hi to our teachers the sign Language way but in this activity we had to spell our name in the sign Language way so if you want to watch my video of me spelling my name click the arrow to go to the next page. then you will can find my video and click it to watch ( it will be quick but it’s okay) thanks for watching bye.

Emotions & Actions in Colour

Task Description: On Monday we went to Ms Tumahai’s class and did the next task. this task was about what colour make you feel so for example so the colour red what feeling do you think that could be, it could be angry,Mad our anything else that you know of. the task was called “Emotions & Actions in Colour.” this was all easy to do and I liked it allot but the funny thing about it was my photo’s it was pretty funny and embarrassing but I still did it. I hope you liked it bye. 

He said/She said

Task Description: On Tuesday me and my class went to our class and had to do our teachers inquiry task and it is Called He said/She said and on this there were three words on a page and we had to pick on and say it in a video,and say it in five emotions. the one I picked is “UP THE WAHS!” and the video might not work yet but just wait. my video was pretty funny to me but I hope you like it bye.


Task Description:On Monday we did a team 4 rotation and we had to switch to each class and we got an activity to do there and it was for our focus for the term and it was here is one of my inquiry task and this on it Called MUSIC & EMOTION so the way it works is that on each slide there is a an EMOTION there and we had to go on YouTube and find that EMOTION and put it on the slide and we had to write the person he made that son and then the songs name. then after that we have to write how this song makes you feel that EMOTION, and you do the same for the rest. thank you for looking at my work bye. 

Matching similes

Task Description: the day before we started this and it was pretty hard because if you look at my work you you can see the owl reading books well if you go to the last page you can see that same owl and it was very hard so I just put a random one so I hope this was right. Thank you for looking at my work bye and see you on my Metaphor one if I make it bye.