Category: Hanga | Create

Inference Task

Task Description: this week is Matariki Week and we get to do all kind of star activity on Wednesday but today we just go with the flow like normal. the story that we had to do is called the troy ploy and it is about a war with Greek and the Troys. this was pretty hard but it got easier at the end when we had to draw a horse which was a challenge for me but I made it come to life. this was good and I hope you like it.

Prefect Korero R.E.S.P.E.C.T

Task Description: this week we were given a new Korero and it is called… R.E.S.P.E.C.T ( Respect ) if you look at my work you can see the same word on the sheet and each word has a meaning, R means Remember, E means Eyes and Ears, S means speed, P means posture, E means everyone, C means Co-operate and T means together. you have to respect one another to keep people happy so they don’t think we are rood. I hope you like my remake of the prefect Korero.

Creative Writing

Task Description: hello again it’s me and this might look like the same one but no this is actually a different one, this is the first picture one the activity and this has a lot less than last time’s one, it has 223 words and it has a bit more detail than the first one but if you know this I actually read the first one and then did the second one but after reading the first one I wanted to not put mistakes in the second one so that is why there are different words in this one. I hope you like my writing bye… Wait if you want me to do chapter two just comment down bellow bye.

Creative Writing

Task Description: this week is week 7 and we had to do a writing activity. if you look at the first page of the activity you can see 4 pictures, the first picture is of a girl and a city that looks abandoned, the second one is of a red team and blue team playing rugby on a field,this one might blow you in the dust because it is about cars racing on the street and I thought it was fast an furious if you know the movie, but last but not least it is a girl that is stuck in the jungle and finds a big tree house. the one I chose was the last one that was because I already had exasperation of it because when I saw it, it caught my eye so I started writing about it. if you go on the last page it says to write 200 words but I kind of went on a over load,so I wrote 397 words, yeah I know that is a lot more than I thought. I got one more quote for you and that is if you want me to do charterer 2 just comment down bellow and I will start writing but for now thank you for reading my work bye.

Fraction Facts

Task Description: this week we started a maths activity and it is all about fraction.  when I looked at it I thought this will be hard but when I saw it I already knew my division, but that doesn’t mean I am smart but I was really good. thank you for looking bye.

Samoan Language

Task Description: this week is Samoan language week and we had to do a Samoan reading activity. this was hard when we had to write on the next page, if you are asking why I said that you will find out. we had to draw a Samoan pattern which was a bit hard for me and then a video and say the 4 phrases that were on the video if you want to learn them all you have to do is watch it. hope you like the video.

For Non Fiction Text

Task Description: yesterday we started this reading activity. when I look at it I thought it was going to be hard but it was actually easy but I still finished it today. if you look on the first side there are things that I had to do and I finished it but the longest one that made me take forever was the must do part, it was so hard that I had to do it today and well I finished it. if you go to he next page there is a lot of writing but you can see that video. if you click it it is a short one but it got to be done. I hope you like it.


Task Description: today we started to do an Onomatopoeai activity. we had to write what sound the animal or object made for example ( the bird went Chirp,Chirp,chirp) it was a race but I did not win my friend won but it was really fun. I hope you like it.

Rainy season

Task Description: This week we started a book that’s called Rainy Season and it is all about a girl a mum, and a nana. the nana lived in New Zealand with her grand daughter. it was the rainy season there and they the nana wanted to go to Samoa to swim but also she wanted to go because her husband had passed on so she really wanted to go. that was a little about the story that I wanted to talk about but if you look at my work you can see another slide and if you click it you will go to another slide and on that slide there is a video there. I hope you like my video and my work.