magic string step it up

Task Description: hello today I just finished my activity. this one is not the string making it is a trick that my dad taught me just now and it is a cool on. so I also made a video of me doing it to my brother and it was cool as and he learnt it when he  was a kid and I, and I am happy that I didn’t get to make it. I hope I could do it to you bye.


One thought on “magic string step it up

  1. Kia ora Cruze,

    What an awesome trick. I know that trick too. Every kid learnt it at school. The cool thing is that it is a whai string game. Whai string games are basically any shapes you make with string. The idea behind whai string games was so Maori people could practice their hand eye coordination, it helped them with weaving, fighting and day to day tasks. The patterns they made using the string often told a story. If the whai pattern you just did told a story what do you think it was? Maybe about being captured and then escaping? What do you think?

    Remember to include as much information in your description as possible Cruze. The more details about the activity, what you learnt and how you found the activity the better. All this information helps people visiting your blog. It gives us an idea of what you are doing and might even encourage us to give a go too. My personal favourite thing I read when visiting blogs is fun facts or new information on things I don’t know about. I learn a lot by reading students’ blogs.

    Tino pai to mahi Cruze

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