Day: September 18, 2023

Magic Mistakes

Task Description: the week before I was supposed to do this writing activity but it was to hard but I did do a little bit of writing at the start but now I finished the whole story and it was fun. I think this was this is the what the story meant but I don’t know because I didn’t listen to the story because I couldn’t find it but it was easy to do the writing. I hope you like my work?

Compound sentences

Task Description: the week before I was supposed to finish this but I thought it was hard so I was just talking to my friends. I liked this activity now because we just had to write the same sentence and I liked doing hat. I hope you guys like this even you guys. Ya the teachers but I still hope you like it.

Keep that Google Drive Tidy

Task Description: to day we are doing this cybersmart activity. this was called keep that Google drive tidy and it was a easy activity because we had to clean our drive but My drive was already done so I just had to take a was easy as and also not challenging too so I liked it. Thank you for looking at my blog bye.