Water T1W3

Task Description: Hello and this week is week 3 term 1 and this task is a maths task. in the task we had addition/subtraction and they were challenging because there were all in the hundreds (I think). Well as I said it was hard but I finally got it done. thank you for looking bye.

About Me | Ko Wai Ahau

Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Bula vinaka and Talofa lava my name is Cruze. I am a year 6 at Pt England School. I am  in Miss Parrant’s class this year. I like to play sports, play fortnite with my family, go for sleepovers and go to see my family. I enjoy playing rugby, basketball, tag and volleyball. My favourite singer is Bruno Mars and my favourite songs from him are: Billionaire, Die with a Smile, APT, Locked out of Heaven, Talking to Moon, Just the way you are and It will rain. Please check out my learning and leave a positive comment on my blog. 🙂

Water T1W1

Task Description: Hello and today we did a place value task. this task was only to pages but when i got to the last page the numbers got bigger and i thought that I wouldn’t know but then I found the answers and finished. thank you for looking at my blog bye.

Create Your Own Aquatic Animal SLJ

Task description: hello and today for this activity i had to make a fish the the fish that i liked was the Clown fish and as you can see i made one, well it might not look as good but i gave it a try because it looked easy until I tried to make the face. it took a few attempts but then i finaly finished. thank you for looking at my blog bye.

Card Design: Narwhals and Beluga Whales

Task Description: Kia ora and today I just finished another one of the summer learning journey task and this task was really fun except for my brother annoying me while i was doing this, but any ways this task was cool because we had to make our own cards and I had to put in a ability for them and to be honest it was a bit tricky but I finally did it. if you like this please leave a comment bye

Narwhal Design Template

Task Description: Kia Ora  and this activity that i am doing is callled Narwhal Design Template and in this activity I put my narwhal that I coloured and showed facts about what they eat or where they migrate to. if you look at my narwhal for me it took me a long time to figure out how to put it on the work but then I finally found it. if you like this please leave a comment bye.

SLJ Japanese puffer fish

Task Description: Kia Ora and this summer learning journey Task that I did is called the Japanese puffer fish. for this task I had to go on Google drawing and make the puffer fish. when I started I thought this would be easy but when I made it, It was actually hard. it took me a while but then I finally finished. If you like this please leave a comment Bye.

Broken Wing

Task Description: hi and today I just finished my task called Broken wing. in this task I learnt that animals rights come before humans rights, and while you get older you get more responsible with your life. and never to think about yourself as it is a bad action. and will make you regret for a long time.